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Life and Continuity

by Advait Vashishtha (13 years old)

Brahma, Hinduism's Creator God - image retrieved from

Life's proudest achievement is Continuity, but yet again, since the age of the dinosaurs, it has been proven wrong time and again. Like the universe is trying to show us that nothing lasts forever, but Life has ignored all of the universe's attempts to teach it.

This day, the universe finally showed Life the lie of continuity. Humanity, Life's most modern civilisation got wiped out that day and they had no one to blame but themselves. Let me explain to you how the world came to an end.

Everyone was going through their modern and everyday life. Some stayed at home in their air-conditioned room watching television or working on their laptops. Although technology has improved and eased our lives, it also blinded us from our dying climate.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was when people became energy-hungry. When all on Earth started to wilt and die, the universe prepared to unleash its full rage.

With carbon dioxide accumulating in great amounts, the ozone layer, an invisible layer around us, shattered as the enormous wave of solar radiation passed over them like a tsunami wave. All of a sudden, the temperature outside increased tenfold.

Weather forecasts reported that some parts of the world were getting hotter while others becoming colder. As carbon dioxide trapped more heat from the sun, the temperature slowly increased. All around the world, water levels rose as the ice caps and glaciers melted.

Countless people ended up in hospitals due to the extreme solar radiation. It was not only the humans that were affected but also the wildlife animals. Wars broke out due to the lack of resources. Humans found themselves in living hell.

All countries enmeshed themselves in a massive World War, each of them rallying their troops and readying to destroy whole populations with their nuclear weapons.

Gunshots were heard here and there and most people barricaded themselves away, saving whatever resources they had for themselves.

As time slowly passed, every single living creature on planet earth began to drop like flies. Buildings collapsed, wildfires spread as mechanical inventions creaked and groaned. Blood was splattered all over the ground as dead bodies lay strewn in bloody heaps. Temperature slowly receded and soon fires broke up.

As the month ended, the world was suddenly different. Amidst the uncertainty of Life, one thing was certain, the age of humanity was finally over.

Seeing all the times Life had trusted Continuity and the number of times Continuity had let Life down was astounding. At last, Life understood that Continuity did not exist, and that nothing lasted forever.

Silence settled on the barren wasteland. Over time, all evidence of human kind disappeared, buried under tonnes of decayed material.

After a few billion years when conditioned had improved, Life started again but remembered and knew what to expect later on.

You, dear readers, might be wondering who am I?

I am everywhere in your parent, in your family, in your life. I am the Creator of everything around you. Just remember that if there was still hope in Life, never stop trying.

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