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The Wish-Granting Fish

- by Advait Vashishtha (12 years old)

Once upon a time there was a poor fisherman, Todd Watson, who lived on the shores of Mexico with his grandson, Billy Watson. They lived in poverty in a shabby mud hut with no lights, no running water and only a few friends.

They owned the land that they lived in.

(Fun fact: Little did they know that the crater where their hut was placed was the famous place of the crash of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.)

To earn a living, Billy and his grandfather both went to a nearby pond to fish for fishes. They usually kept the most unique and beautiful fishes with them in glass containers and sold the rest. Billy was adamant on keeping some of the fishes despite his grandfather's remonstration to sell them.

One inclement evening, once Billy and his grandfather reached home from a tiring day at the market. They were so tired that they immediately fell asleep. Unknown to Billy, he was suddenly immersed in a deep dream. In the dream, he found himself at the pond fishing without his grandfather. Suddenly, he saw a strange yellow glowing light from the hook of his fishing rod, half-blinding Billy.

He quickly reeled in his catch and put it into a frost glass jar which had water in it.

“Wow! What a special fish you are! I'll keep you with me in this jar.”

“No, no, please have lenience. I will grant you anything you want. Just let me go!” a squeaky and gravelly voice came from the jar.

Billy stared in disbelief at the magic fish which was apparently crying tears of liquid gold. Billy carefully contemplated his options but kept stealing glances at the alluring fish.

He said okay and tipped the bottle. “Thank you now, what would you like?” the fish asked.

“I would like you to grant me unlimited wishes and stay with me forever! HAHAHAHA!”.

The fish understood what Billy had asked for and thought there was no way for him to get out of that predicament. He had heard stories of Billy and how he imprisoned fish. Suddenly an idea flashed by in his mind.

The magic fish used all his might and leapt out of the bottle. and died.

Billy started brawling incessantly cursing and swearing up and down only to notice that the whole world was crumbling down around him.

Cracks spread like frost as each large chunk of earth fell down into the endless abyss and in no time Billy fell to hearing only one sentence -” BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Billy woke up, drenched completely in sweat.

His grandfather was shaking him vigorously. He had a wide toothless grin on his face. In his hands was the most stunning number of $1000 notes.

“A few gentlemen bought our land for a few million dollars. They quickly packed and moved on buying a grand and luxurious house and leading a good life.

However, Billy has still never forgotten his nightmare. He also doesn't know why the people bought his land. Let's keep that our little secret will you.

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